Sister Amor Ah'Quality
Email Address
Other aliases
Phyliss McCavity, DoctaG
Most commonly misheard name
Lay Occupation
Dental hygienist, dental school professor, Doctor of Education
Date Of Birth
October, 15, 1967
Sandy Eggo
Date Joined The Order
August 9, 2016
Elevated to Fully Professed Member
April 10, 2018
When Did You Discover Your Calling?
I didn’t know it specifically, but I’ve always been a nun. If I see a person in need I’m drawn to support them; that’s been the story as long as I can remember. From confronting bullies in grade school, to being an ally to a Gender Queer person in middle school so they wouldn’t get beat up, to challenging my Sunday school teacher when being told no one who was gay would ever ascend to the celestial kingdom, I have never been one to quietly watch the bull shit. As a theater brat, the use of humor, and the absurd to address social issues as a Sister is a perfect fit.
My friends would often suggest I become a Sister, to which I would reply I that I had always wanted to, and someday planned to. Someday happened when St Tag-a-Long (Queen Dilly Dally) and a mutual friend who knew Sr Angelina Holi cornered me and said they’d introduce me to Sisters. The moment I approached a Sister with the intent to discover how to initiate my heart found its home.
I quickly discovered that as a Sister I could do good in ways my secular self, separated into the compartments of clinician and teacher, cannot access. As a nun, I draw on every aspect of myself and make connections beyond any of these conventions. To me that is the magic; manifesting allows my inner desire to serve be seen.
Sponsors In The Order
Sr Flora Goodthyme, is my Mama, and she has taught me so much it’s unreal.
Sr Desi Wanna, my extra-special Big Sister, whom I often call “Kanga”.
Sr Maddie Bout You, the quietly amazing Big Sister.
My Fairy Godsister is Sr Nova Aggra, and my Evil Step Sister is Sr Angelina Holi. Yes, it is quite the crew.
Why did you choose the mama you did?
Sr Flora made a huge impact on me the first time I her. Ironically, when I met Sr Flora I thought we had nothing in common and would never get to know one another. Then I found her honesty and passion speaking to my heart and the answer to the question “Are you mother?” was clearly yes.
What did you learn from your Big Sisters?
I was inspired by their hard work and powerful commitment to service to the inner-workings of the order and the community.
Major Projects In The Order
Sr Amor has lead the following to SPI events:
Sunday Funday with The Sisters @ The Laughing Monk Brewery
SPI CPR Training
Night at the Opera, Halloween 2017
Children’s Easter, 2018, 2019, 2022
PINK Saturday Ball, 2018, 2019
Ongoing FREE ORAL (health screenings) - GSDDA @ strut, and QueerLife Space
Qtrly FUN at The Laughing Monk Brewery including:
The Annual PRIDE Benefit Beer release – Sr Amor Hazy IPA, which occurs in early June each year
The Annual Hunky Jesus Benefit Beer release, always precedes our Easter Anniversary
Annual celebration of Bisexual Day of Visibility – September 23rd
Look for Sr Amor at any of the major Sister supported events such as Easter, People’s March, PINK Saturday Ball, and of course, at any Laughing Monk event.
Goals & Aspirations
To empower individuals to be healthy and whole, and to ensure that dental professionals are inclusive.
Rules that you live by?
Treat others how they wish to be treated.
Smile at all dogs.
Ministerial Focus
As a healthcare provider I’m aware that it is what a person does for themselves that has the biggest impact on their health. Dentistry is difficult for many to access and oral self-care can be a huge factor in oral health or disease. I want to provide resources and support to individuals to improve their dental health and access dental professionals. Sister Amor says “put it in your mouth twice a day!”
Religious Beliefs
Be kind. Be forgiving. Be curious.
Do you have any children?
I am the proud Mama of Sister Anya Streets. She is a nun to know!
Who are your little sisters?
Sister Celine Dionysus and Postulant H Ivy Positive.
What “is” Sr Amor in a nutshell”?
A soft place to land with a side of sarcasm.
Is there anything else you want the curious to know?
Yes, I do floss. No, I’m not the first woman to become a Sister.