Sister Hera Sees Candy
Email Address
Other aliases
Sister Guard He/Ra, Sister Santa Cruise, Sister Panda Muertos, Sister Hera Cane
Most commonly misheard name
Hershey’s Candy
Lay Occupation
Fundraising professional, Doctor of Psychology
Date Joined the Order
November 13, 2012
Elevated to Fully Professed Member
August 12, 2014
When Did You Discover Your Calling?
There was a synchronicity of events. I was finishing my dissertation on spirituality and sexuality. I
learned about sacred queer functionaries in indigenous societies and sacred clowns. I was inspired to
restart my drag life because of this. Then my husband took me to my first Easter in the park and I saw
the Sisters for the first time. I knew then that this was the path I would take.
Sponsors In the Order
Big Sisters: Sister Titania Humperpickle, Sister Agnes Dei Afta Tamara, Sister Lupita Phat He Ta Buffet
Mother: Sister Mary Timothy Simplicity
Why did you choose the mama you did?
Sister Mary Timothy was the first Sister I met in person. She had been a long term friend of my husband.
After that meeting, I had a dream that she was my Sister Mother. When we ran into one another again, I
told her. She shared with me that she had also dreamt about me.
What did you learn from your Big Sisters?
My big Sisters guided me towards the best ways forward in the order and gave me insight into how the
order worked “in-house.”
Major Projects in the Order
Chair - Project Nunway 11: Sanctuary
Chair - Project Nunway 9 to 5: Work - Bay Area Reporter "Bestie" for Best Unusual Nightlife Event
Chair - Project Nunway 8: SINFINITY
Dia de los Muertos lead altarist - 2013-2017
Mistress of PRIDES - 2016-2017
Board Vice Chair - 2017
Board Member - 2016-2017
Goals & Aspirations
To stand up and use my voice even when it makes me unpopular
Rules that you live by?
Critical thinking (even towards myself). When someone says they are experiencing pain (physical,
emotional, psychological, systemic, etc.) I believe them.
Ministerial Focus
I like to facilitate experiences of joy. This includes creating spaces and opportunities to experience joy,
and it also includes dismantling spaces and systems that keep people from joy.
Religious Beliefs
Hella pagan. Nature reverence. Divinity in all.
Do you have any children?
Two amazing daughters that always inspire me, and I am immensely proud of:
Sister Chola deDah
Sister Golda Lox
Who are your little sisters?
Sister Freda Desire
What “is” Sister Hera in a nutshell”?
Someone who will likely tell you the truth, even one you may not want to hear.
Is there anything else you want the curious to know?
Sisters, myself included, are regular people behind our makeup. Don’t put us on pedestals.