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Sister Nova Aggra

What is your name?

Nova Aggra, Lady of the Fabricated Phallus 

Why your name?

Nova because it’s a tribute to Nova Nilla, in Russian River, the mother house of the Eureka House, and Nova’s Gma. Also looking for some flash – so NOVA *star*.  Created Nova Aggra, which sounds like “no Viagra”, but it was created to mean “Fierce New Star”.

How do you feel that many think your name is about Viagra?

It’s ok, because no Viagra is necessary.  People meet me and they realize that I’m Trans, and truly, no Viagra is needed. I am the lady of the fabricated phallus.

Most common misheard name?

They just say “No Viagra” as they don’t hear “Nova Aggra”.

Other names considered?

Sister Phfister

Why not?

Was told that someday you’ll have to explain your name to a two year-old.  Gave me pause, and sent me on the hunt for meaning for Nova Aggra so I could explain it to anyone.  Nova could be a star or an old Chevy, but of course I’m going with the star!  Aggra could be fierce and it worked for me!

Other aliases

Lady of the Fab Phallus

First joined order

Initially I was a member of the Eureka Order, Abby of the Big Red Wood.  I was the first guard for this order, although prior I had volunteered to help Father Oh Mary! with the logo, which he created in paint by hand, and I digitized. This was in 2006; 2007 was when I joined as a guard. In 2009 I felt the call to become a Sister, and became a Novice Sister in the Eureka House. I became a Fully Professed Member in 2010. I was with the Eureka order from 2007 – 2012.  In 2012 I moved to Indiana and became missionary sister. I supported the Indiana House, the Abby of the Shimmering Silo, while some consider me a founder, they are still at this time a Missionary House, and I have since come back to Cali. I was a sea turtle there; I laid my eggs in the sandy cornfield and blessed them with corn silk, glitter-based lube, and passed all the power to my daughters, Purrr Do and Guard Gina Tonic, as I became a golden state nun once again in 2016.  Returning to California in the summer of 2016 I began to integrate with the Mother House of SF.  In December of 2016 I was veiled as a Fully Professed Member of the San Francisco House. 

First outing?

My first duties as an Aspirant was to hang road signs for the Eureka Anniversary Picnic.  At the end of that day I had painted faces, and had a wonderful afternoon in the park.  I was exhausted, but I had painted many glitter faces, so it was a good day.  


I was born in Indiana, and I lived in Southern California for 22 years, but I found my home in Northern California.

When did you discover your calling?

I knew I was an activist before I knew I was a nun. I was a founding member of Humboldt Pride. However, I joined the Eureka order because I felt the Sisters there needed protection and support, which is why I joined initially as a Guard. 

Specific ministry?

Human rights, equal rights, Trans rights. Get rid of the labels.  Take away the labels; take away the stigma! Spread unconditional LOVE


Sr Saturnalia 


Sr Juana Little, Sr Domadora D’Fairyboys (Eureka), Sr Betty Tastewll, and Sr Anni Coque L’doo (SF)

Why did you choose the mama you did?

The first time I saw her was at Bingo With a Twist, where they did a white veiling of Novices.  All the veils were pinned together, and it was the first time I’d seen all of them at once. Sr Saturnalia was standing in back of the line of Novices, and was GLOWING. I felt that she was magical and I was in awe. Sr Sparkle was her sparkly fabulous self butI saw Sr Saturnalia as a beacon.

Religious beliefs, if any?

I’m very spiritual, but I do not participate in an organized religion.  I was raised Southern Baptist.  When I moved to SoCal I tried practicing Buddhism, and then I moved to NorCal and took a few world religion courses and came to the realization that for me God is within and not without, and often the same throughout various religious doctrine.


Major projects?

My first major project was building the Eureka Archives, and throwing and open house wine and cheese party to showcase the archives.


Rules that you live by?


I try to always treat others the way I want to be treated. I avoid throwing shade. I give energy to positivity, and avoid feeding the negative suck.


Do you have any children?

I have two official roadside daughters, Sr Purrr Do and Guard Gina Tonic, both in Indiana.


Do you have any little sisters?


I’m the pleased Fairy God Sister to Novice Sister Amor Ah Quality in the SF House.


What “is” Sr Nova in a nutshell”?

A Fairy Boot Nun 

Is there anything else you want the curious to know?

Yes, Sr Nova is in great support of consensual sexual freedom, particularly of the leather & fetish community. You will always find Sr Nova in “some alley” at Folsom....

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584 Castro Street, #392
San Francisco, CA 94114

"Go forth and sin some more!”
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