Sister Eva Lynn Goode
Do you have other names?
Tommy, Mr. Tommy
Date you joined the Order?
As an initiate: April 28, 2021
As an FPM: October 11, 2022
Charlotte, NC
When did you discover your calling?
I feel like I've always had a fascination with nunning but I felt the call to join the sisters in 2019 and spent the next few years setting up my life so I could take the process seriously.
Who were your Mother and Sponsors?
Mother: Sister Nova Aggra
Big Sister: Sister Vina Sinfurrs
Why did you join?
To be a force for good in my community
Religious Beliefs
I'm a nontheist.
Major projects with the Order?
Eva's Shop Til You Death Drop
Rules by which you live?
The people who hate you won't be any nicer if you tone it down, but the people that love you always want to see you turned up to an 11.
Email Address